
How Democracies Can Cope with a Pandemic

The world is confronted with a major global pandemic, unlike anything we’ve seen in modern times. Societies, regardless of their political and ideological orientation are trying to address fundamental challenges: loss of lives, economic downturn, and behavioral changes. While this global effort is a work-in-progress, the webinar tries to analyze how democracies can and do respond to the outbreak and why their solutions are, overall, better at dealing with major global crises. It all starts with truthful and credible information and creating counter-narratives to distortions, in the information flows.

The webinar is meant to discuss lessons learned so far, present tools and methods of gathering and disseminating information via traditional and new media and through social networks and explore ways of educating the public, to make sense of this overflow of information.

Speakers will explore examples from different countries, noticeable trends and methods to develop alternative narratives and encourage a fact-based information flow. A Q&A will follow, to address specific questions and get audience feedback.

This event is part of Digital Communication Network Southeast Europe Hub’s Ideas in Action – Digital Engagement, a series of virtual events launched in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. The series aims to engage digital communities globally, to promote accurate information, combat distortions, encourage responsible behavior, and discourage panic, support mitigation of a global pandemic, and avoid major societal disruptions.

The Webinar/Roundtable will take place between 17.00-18.00 EET via Zoom. To register, click on this link:

DCN SOUTHEAST EUROPE HUB is a consortium of Aristotle University, Digital Communication Network, non-profits, public and private organizations and companies involved in the fields of digital communication, social impact campaigns, technology, and innovation. It is a unique, interdisciplinary coalition tapping into the best talent and resources across Europe.
2020-04-02 18:00